Screen Savers
Scams were on the rise amongst our most vulnerable — with more than half of Kiwis over 65 having encountered one in the past year.
And despite anti-scamming advice being readily available, only one third were aware of them.
So how could we get the advice grandparents needed most in front of them every day?
By putting it in photos they love.
Instead of giving the tips to the people who needed them most, we gave them to their grandchildren. Enlisting them to turn it into art, take a photo with it and upload it as nana or poppa’s device screensaver.
To launch, we approached influencers who’ve parents/grandparents that had been scammed to create theirs. Earning news stories on Newstalk ZB, The NZ Herald, The AM Show, Kidspot, and every major Mediaworks radio station.
Giving grandparents reminders of how to keep themselves safe, that they’ll never get sick of looking at.
Press, OLV, Social