Good Tings – First Phone Programme
A 2degrees initiative to support kids and parents when it comes to phone safety.
When your phone goes ting, is it a good ting or a bad ting? Adults with years of mobile experience find it hard to know, so children getting their first phone don’t stand a chance. That’s why we created the Good Tings First Phone Programme – A 2degrees initiative to support kids and parents when it comes to phone safety.
Ten key tings (or things) were identified as essential learning for first phone owners and used as the basis of the programme – a specially designed unboxing experience for kids and parents. The tings were also translated into a music track by UK Grime artist, Scrufizzer, to speak the truth about phones and online safety in a language kids are familiar with.
Music, Interactive, VOD, OLV, Social, OOH, Retail, Cinema