2degrees End 2020 Happy

End 2020 Happy



If there was ever a year that needed a dose of fun and fairness, it was 2020. And 2degrees was just the brand to come to the party.

End 2020 Happy was an end-of-year promotion that offered Kiwis the chance to right some of the unfairness wrongs they’d experienced throughout the year. Whether it was cancelling your wedding, or failing at your sourdough baking – we invited all Kiwis to submit their unfair stories, with the chance 2degrees might fix them.

Over 20,000 entries were received, with 2degrees providing hundreds of prizes ranging from gift cards, flowers and cupcakes, up to giving one happy couple the dream wedding they’d always hoped for. Happy times.


TV, OOH, Digital, Social, EDM, PR, Radio, Press


Dreams Pick Up Quick

Addressing one of New Zealand’s biggest social problems, to launch PlayStation’s biggest games.
