Let’s talk about f******
At a time when many New Zealanders are experiencing financial pressure, it’s never been more important to have an open dialogue about your finances. But when 1 in 3 Kiwis are too embarrassed to talk about the ‘f’ word, and 60% of us would rather talk about politics, we had to change our tactics in order to help people open up.
Let’s talk about f****** got the nation’s attention by hijacking things we do like talking about such as sex, music and Pizza. It worked by inserting financial conversation starters into situations where these conversations were already happening through a series of ideas and provocations. Unexpected stuff from the country’s largest bank, right?
We kicked off with some provocative OOH, digital and radio that encouraged people to consider why they self-censor themselves when it comes to finance. Next, we hacked Pizza night, after work drinks and coffee breaks with a range of products that dropped our financial ice-breakers right into moments of discussion. And finally, we drove everyone to our ANZ financial wellbeing hub where they could continue the conversations whenever, and wherever, they next fancied a chat.
Radio, Radio partnership, Uber Eats activation, OOH, Social